

From past to present, one of the biggest investment tools of financial markets is stock markets.

Investing in the world's most popular stock markets through Sardis Markets is as close as one touch.

It offers the opportunity to invest in the stock market index of many countries, especially the US and European stock markets.

The US stock markets are the stock markets with the largest trading volume when compared to other countries.

You can easily invest in all three US Stock Indices, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and SP500, through Sardis Markets.

Live Price Stream

Symbol explanation Buying Sales
DAXEUR Germany 40 index 21314.7 21317.9
DJIUSD Dow Jones 30 44169.58 44172.02
ESXEUR Spain 35 Cash Index 5203.11 5204.29
FTSGBP UK 100 Cash Index 8541.01 8541.99
SPXUSD SPX500 6075.37 6076.13
NDXUSD NAS100 21752.94 21755.46
ASXAUD Australia 200 Index 8375.2 8378.7
HSIHKD Hong Kong 50 Index 19725.8 19735.1
DOLLAR_INDX Dollar Index 108.003 108.014
IBXEUR Spain 35 11937.63 11942.47
F40EUR France 40 Index 7857.51 7858.89
NIKJPY Japan - Nikkei 225 Index 39840 39856