Stocks Most Purchased by Brokerage Firms Amid Market Decline
Investors trading on Borsa Istanbul are focusing on the stock preferences of brokerage firms that are engaged in the most trading activities. The stock movements of these firms serve as an important guide for understanding market trends.
According to recent data, the brokerage firms with the highest net buying on the BIST 100 index are İş Yatırım, Garanti Yatırım, and QNB. The notable stocks in the portfolios of these firms are under close observation by investors.
The top three stocks most purchased by İş Yatırım: EREGL, ISCTR, YKBNK
The top three stocks most purchased by Garanti Yatırım: ISCTR, TUPRS, KCHOL
The top three stocks most purchased by QNB: GLDTRf, GSRAY, THYAO
Which firms sold the most and which stocks did they sell?
On the other hand, the net sellers in the index included BofA, TEB Yatırım, and Yapı Kredi Yatırım.
The top three stocks most sold by BofA: AEFES, ISCTR, EREGL
The top three stocks most sold by TEB Yatırım: AKBNK, BIMAS, TUPRS
The top three stocks most sold by Yapı Kredi Yatırım: GLDTR, THYAO, EKGYO